Stuffat Tal-Fenek (Rabbit Stew)

Stuffat Tal-Fenek (Rabbit Stew)

Stuffat Tal-Fenek

Transcript of Stuffat Tal-Fenek (Rabbit Stew) below

by travelpod member
hey everyone welcome back to another
episode of the euro cooking comic on
today's segment of memories of Malta I'm
going to be making what my opinion is
the number one recipe in Malta it's the
national dish what I'm making today is
called stupid pathetic and what that is
is rather stew now before any of you who
are squeamish click this video off here
mia number one rabbit is really really
lean number two is extremely healthy and
good for you and high in protein and
number three no it doesn't taste like a
it tastes like rabbit but it's not a
gamey gamey meat um you may actually
fool some people if you didn't tell them
it was rabbit they may just go ahead and
assume it is chicken so guys stay with
me and I'll be right back and show you
what we're going to need to makes you
fat tell fennec okay gang I'm dr. show
you what we're going to need to make
stew that tell fennec which is our
rabbit stew so obviously you're going to
need a rabbit now pick a young rabbit
and make sure your butcher includes the
liver the kidneys and the heart because
typically the sauce will be served at
top of spaghetti as a starter and you
might be lucky enough to get one of
those little pieces in the sauce now my
rabbit also came with his little head
yeah the multis are adamant about
including the head of the rabbit in the
stew because they say that's flavor and
I believe them personally I just don't
like my food looking back at me so guys
what you can do is once the the head has
done its job you can discard it you
don't have to eat it or you can give it
to somebody who does enjoy it now the
rabbit is not cut up so I'm going to
show you guys how to cut up and prepare
your fennec as well as far as vegetables
go I have some potatoes and carrots and
a cooking onion and as far as our spices
go you're going to need quite a few bay
leaves I have a book 8 large bay leaves
here I also have some ground cloves
ground allspice and curry powder now
there is people who do sell rabbit
if you can get your hands on some go
ahead you can use that as well this is a
tomato based sauce so obviously I have a
jar of strained tomatoes which is
or you can go ahead and use a can of
stewed tomatoes and stew them down and
one of the most important elements of
this stew is a bottle of red wine now
guys when you're cooking with wine
please do yourself a favor and pick a
wine that's really good that you enjoy
and you would drink you don't want to
put a crappy wine or something you're
going to eat also pick a local wine
support your local vineyards this
happens to be from an area called Point
Pelee in Ontario it's the most southern
tip of Canada on the shores of Lake Erie
and it enjoys the same kind of climate
as Northern California so it's a quite a
good wine so this happens to be a merlot
but you can go ahead and use your
favorite red wine anything you would
drink so guys this is everything that
we're going to need to put together our
stew fat and what I'm going to do is
I'll be back next to show you how to
prepare your rabbit there's just two
more things you're going to need is some
seasoned flour with salt and pepper and
I'm a little bit of cooking oil and I'll
show you what we do next all right guys
thanks for sticking it with me okay guys
I'm back with my rabbit and what I've
got ahead and done already is I've taken
the head off and taking the giblets out
I mean it's a cooking children I'm going
to be to McCobb so for me I find it
easier if I flip him belly side down and
you can see his spine and there's a
natural everything is kind of naturally
there so umm no rabbit is bony so you
will have to cut through those bones if
you're using a sharp knife you should be
able to do that effortlessly and now you
can see you have mirrored images so that
is simply a matter of fact of picking
the leg so there's one leg off and then
you do the same with the other leg and
then you would cut the flank into two
pieces and then finally the front arms
so guys this isn't a lesson in butchery
I just wanted to show
you how easy it is to cut up your rabbit
and then I'll show you what I do with
him right guys my rabbit is all been cut
up you just need a really sharp knife
and just follow its natural lines so as
you can see I have the two back legs I
have the two front legs I have the flank
here and that's it and I'll show you
what we do next and that's just I'm
going to wash and pat dry the rabbit
really well and then we're going to
dredge it in some flour and I'll see you
when we're back on the stove hey guys
I'm back to show you how to cook your
your rabbit in flour now I'm only going
to show you a one or two because we all
know how to do this what I've gone ahead
and done is but some salt pepper and
actually some garlic powder into my
flour to season it I've washed and
patted dry my rabbit pieces and simply
it's a matter keep one hand for wet in
one hand for dry and just give your
rabbit pieces a nice coating of flour
and then you're going to shake off the
excess you don't want it to be like
Kentucky Fried Chicken it's just to give
it a nice Brown coating so that's it and
I'm going to set him aside over here and
I'm going to continue the rest of the
pieces and then I'll be back and show
you what we do next
alright guys thanks for watching hey
guys okay I'm back and as you can see my
rabbit pieces are coated in the flour
lightly and over here I have the giblet
pieces that I've cut up as well and yes
there's the head actually it's not so
bad once it's coated in the flour okay
guys so what I have on the stove right
now is my pot with some canola oil
that's getting hot and these guys are
going to go in for a bath in batches and
I'll show you what that looks like in
just a sec hey guys welcome to the
stovetop so in my pot here
have a parrot hello medium spicy and a
girl just nicely browned
players want like a nice brown color and
do this in batches little over posit pan
so I continue running off here at rabbit
user setting aside on a little plate
like this and put all round off and then
I'll join you back and show you what the
guys okay so everything's browned off a
lovely brown color on my panic and
lastly but not least we have our first
panic head in here and he is the last to
be browned off yes okay see little bit
okay guys I'm back on the stovetop and
what I'm doing right now is I'm just
gently sauteing my onions and then I
added the garlic and it smells really
good well you guys know it I and garlic
smells like so at this point um what I'm
going to go ahead and do is add our
veggies cuz they cook they take a little
longer to cook so potatoes grain and
these potatoes are huge guy so I only
use two of them I follow these three
guys too but it's up to you and our
lagdi carrots right so it's gonna give
this a little saute and stir now talking
about the vegetables guys if you watched
my last video um I mentioned but there's
something I always forget and that's
Peas and it's a really important element
of this dish and please don't forget
them I've only taken mine out
and again to your taste and you know me
guys from watching my videos I love peas
and I keep forgetting the but I was
remember in the end so add peas closer
to the end of cooking because as you
know peas don't take long to cook so I'm
just going this guy go for just a bit
and then I'll show you what I do next
I'm going to start adding all the the
flavors the passata and and you guys
will see all right be right back okay
guys I'm back and as you can see I added
my eSATA and I've added all the spices I
did salt and pepper the carrots and
potato while they were sauteing a bit
all the spices as I said are in there
the pisanka and now what I'm going to do
is go ahead and add the entire contents
of my bottle of wine I know it seems
like a lot but you're not going to get
drunk well you know what I'm going to
save some and see if I need to add more
it looks pretty good as it is right and
also there's another thing and I did
forget warship Shire sauce or Worcester
sauce or we want to call it I put a few
looks of that in there as well and I'm
still up let's go just for a bit and
then I'm going to add my rabbit and let
this simmer okay guys and I'll show you
what it looks like when we get to that
point guys there's one thing I'm also
you need to add at this point and that's
your bay leaves so go ahead and add them
and you know what I am and I cook by
taste and smell and look and I think
this I'm concerned for a little bit of
concern which is tomato paste because
our jar passata
just wasn't enough and I did
have another jar so I put some tomato
paste in there and I'm going to add the
fennec in just a minute and then I'll be
back and show you what's next
hey guys are not real quick to touch
base you know there's probably as many
versions of this recipe than there are
cooks in Malta
they say this recipe dates back to the
time of the Knights of Malta so what I'm
showing you guys tonight are the basic
essentials the things you're going to
need to make this recipe taste smell
feel and be authentic now that's not to
say you can't add a little bit more of
something or extract a little bit more
of something make it your own as I said
my kitchen and smell the aromas it
really reminds me of my nanu when he is
inviting us over for frittata so guys
who knows maybe your version of this
will be passed down to other people hey
guys we're back and my stuff at the stew
is smelling so amazing and it's simmered
nicely now and what I'm going to go
ahead and do is add our fennec and all
of even the giblets everything
everything's going in here and then what
I'm going to do now um once all the
fennec is added is put this on a nice
gentle simmer and let it thicken up
because guys we all know is stew is
thick push those boys down
the head is in there yes it is you saw
go in all right
so oh and any juices on your plate oh
yeah they go back in there too
that's flavor okay guys so now our stew
is basically done and all we have to do
is let it simmer and at the end or near
the end is at our Peas and we'll be done
and I will show you guys when it's all
finished thanks a lot for watching hey
guys so I've served my astute and it's
thickening up and I've added my Peas and
forget and at this point I'm going to
love you and leave you I'm going to UM
really simmer this on a low and put a
lid on it and then turn it off because
this do is actually better the next day
and I have some friends who are coming
over and this is going to be our dinner
for tomorrow night so right now I
normally show you guys it played in but
you know what through the magic of video
you will see it plated shortly but just
not in my real time you will see it when
it's done tomorrow so guys at this point
like I said Chad for now thanks for
watching and I'll see you guys tomorrow
my time but in just like a few seconds
for you alright ciao guys
hey guys okay welcome back is the next
day and here I have my spaghetti with
the rabbit sauce as our starter and all
this up to do is to put on a little bit
of parmesan
because Parmesan is good all right guys
I'm really going to enjoy this and then
I'll be back to show you the full fennec
meal from cotta and um hopefully you
guys will try this recipe it's really
good for you guys and I am so glad that
you guys watched hey guys so I'm back
with um my paddock as you can see I have
a nice leg and a couple of pieces of
flank and our stew which is so great
um the potatoes are Karaca peas and if
you're lucky enough you may get some
giblets in there
so guys this is it um I hope you try
this dish is really really tasty if it's
really really good for you and I'll see
you next time on memories of Malta ciao
so you're probably wondering hey what
happened about the head well let me tell
you the head was delicious the cheeks
were very sweet and the brain tasted
like liver we really enjoyed it and I
will be eating it in the future thanks
guys again for watching please hit like
please subscribe and we'll see you next
time on memories of Malta ciao

Roasted Rabbit


Edible Insects