Recycled Seed Starting Containers

meat rabbits seed startersThis article TOTALLY appeals to my cheapness!!!  It's frugaliscious!!! Anyway, gardening can be an expensive venture if you go "No-Limit" on it, buying every doohicky and thingamabob that's recommended by the "experts."  If gardening is costing you more than buying healthy food, you might be doing it wrong.  Even growing food for feeding your rabbits can get expensive(unless you got an awesome Hostile Hare fodder system lol) so be on the lookout for cheap corner cutting options."If you have a large garden, starting seeds at home can start to look like an expensive venture. Just think of all those peat pots, peat pellets or seed flats you will have to buy! But it doesn’t have to be that way. Every year I start over 100 tomato seeds, plus pepper, eggplant, herbs, brassicas, etc. All totaled I probably have close to 500 seedlings inside during the later winter and early spring, and I don’t buy a single pot for them! Gather your seeds, mix up your soil, and extend your imagination and get planting. Here’s a list of 20 items you can repurpose for your seed-starting adventures! Click the links to see how other gardeners used the ideas!"20 Frugal, Repurposed Seed Starting Containers


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