Quail and Rabbit Cage Waste Pan Alternative

Anybody that's followed me for any amount of time knows that I like to save money! I also want to help my customers save money. so I found these trays that are a bit less expensive than the ones I sell. You can find them on Amazon here:


I will also sell you trays with your rabbit and quail cages if you'd like, that's why I have the options "with or without waste pans" on the website.

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you may recognize this as the Hostile

Hare Quail cage system got grow or

excuse me uh egg laying on top grow out

down below but I wanted to show off an

idea that I had you see we are and

hostile hare

of course we want to sell

you stuff but at the same time I would

rather if if I wasn't selling anything I

still want you farming I want you

to grow as much food as you can for

yourself and and for the people around

you cuz they're going to need it we need

to decentralize our food supply anyways

off of the soap box and on to the

solutions this is the dur

tray model number DT

2436 you can look these up you can find

them they're made by durat tray uh and

they're they're a great product and I

love them but this thing costs me $45 to

get to to my door when I buy $4,000 of

them at a time so we need a better

solution they're great if you can afford

it and you are the No Limit farming

Soldier by all means get you one of

these I'll sell them to you uh but I got

to throw 15 bucks on there for


this is a $16

tray from


built I think is what it

says I'm going to have an Amazon

affiliate link to this just so you can

look it up um but AutoZone has

them I'm not I don't sell them I don't

sell these but I will link to it um in

uh on on the website there will be a new

blog that talks about the use of these

trays and as you see it goes all the way

to the edge there's just a little spot

back here that's open but you can get

hostile hair cages I think these are 75

bucks from here to here without the tray

and these are 60 bucks from here to here

without the tray I have to add $60 to

put the damn tray in because it cost me

on average $15 a piece to ship them and

I'm yeah I'm not really making any money

off of trays but I want them available

so I can help you guys you know achieve

your goals and whatnot but anyway so buy

a cage system from hostile hair buy the

trays from my affiliate link if you want

to do through Amazon if you don't have

an AutoZone in your area these are

literally 25.5 in wide by or excuse me

25.5 in Deep by

36 no they're


35.5 wide 20 almost 24 in deep actually

a little over 24 in deep you see that

there's a bit of space there so what I'm


is it's cheaper to buy trays from

somebody else I'm okay saying that I'll

help you find those trays uh I'm not

making any money off of trays so if you

can be find a better solution uh one

that fits your budget by all means um

you know and these are I recommend these

trays for quail because bird poop all

you know lands and kind of gets layered

you can throw some newspaper down in

there if anybody still gets the

newspaper um or sprinkle sand in there

so that it doesn't Clump up and stick to


tray um but you know if you want the big

heavy duty ABS plastic ones you can get

them but until I learn how to make trays

myself out of plastic I'm going to be

going with these galvanized ones and you

should too so if you got any questions

hit me up uh ask in the comments I'll do

more tutorial if you need uh but this is


self-explanatory uh I don't know how

they would work for

rabbits um so you may want to stick to

these plastic ones for rabbits or put a

composter right under your rabbit cages

that's why I sell them like this over

here this is just a stack these are 36

it's all they're all on their size these

are 36 in wide 24 in tall and 24 in deep

that way you can reach the back of them

no problem so all of these are available

on my website uh HostileHare.com

like an angry rabbit not the

hair on your head so you know this not

this anyway thank you guys so much I

appreciate the follows I appreciate the

interactions and uh let me know what

kind of content you want from me too

running out of ideas I'm very

long-winded so I got to You Know cover

stuff that people like to listen to

anyway thanks again

N Klein

I’m Nick, I run the Hostile Hare Homestead… And this website. It is my goal to help as many people as possible to grow their own food and become independent so they can help others do the same. Let's get together and grow something!!


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