Growing Garlic on Your Homestead

Growing Garlic on Your Homestead: Garlic is probably one of my favorite flavor "enhancers".  I can't think of too many dinner dishes that I leave out the garlic.  Fresh, homegrown, garlic is some of the best you'll ever add to your dishes and it is surprisingly easy to grow.

meat rabbits how to grow garlicGrowing Garlic on Your Homestead

"I sorted through my garlic and pulled out the largest cloves. I usually plant 30 cloves, which provides us with enough garlic for a year. This includes using a majority in jarred sauces and as a seed for the following year. This year I planted 45 cloves so I could share extra garlic. I couldn’t source any extra garlic seed this late in the season, so I sacrificed some of my storage garlic and planted 15 extra. Luckily, I have a lot of lovely farmers markets in my area should I run out next year."

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